Saturday, June 27, 2009

Here is an interesting photo. This system was installed four years ago an is located at about 7500 ft above sea level. You are looking at an older style version of our MetaRocks, we have improved them significantly since this system was built. What is important however, is that these MetaRocks have never been washed, hosed off, fluffed, changed removed, replaced or cleaned. There is obvious junk on them from opening the lid and knocking rocks and wood chips in the tank but the large open pores are also clearly visible. Here is the good part: the influent to this system is quite potent TKN: 112-164 mg/l and BOD 800-1500 mg/l.
When the Eliminite was turned on effluent TN measured 20.5 mg/l. Considering the minimal maintenance this system requires and its alpine location, a nitrogen reduction such as this is remarkable.

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